Build Your Fitness Business: Foundations For Novice Coaches & Trainers

We have entered a different training age and have to pivot as coaches and trainers to figure out how to be successful in the health, fitness, wellness and performance field.

We have been in the business for over 30 years and have been coaching some clients for over 25 years! How do you get to this point, how do you continue to pivot and grow?

We have some coaching tips for novice coaches and trainers that are just entering the field.

Guide To Navigate The Fitness Field:

  1. What is Your Why?
  2. Find Valuable Mentor’s
  3. Train and Work With Everyone!
  4. Eventually Specify Your Niche
  5. Your Vibe Attracts Your Tribe
  6. Don’t Get Jaded

These 6 steps are the foundations for building your fitness business and lasting long term within the field.

Your why will set the tone for everything, what drives you? Why did you enter the field in the first place?

* Our Motivational & Free Thinking Journal will help guide you*

Next, who do you admire, who inspires you, who drives you to be your best? A mentor is an individual that contributes positive life skills through their own wisdom and experience. They coach and guide you through the experience, but never tell you exactly what to do so that it doesn’t hinder your learning process. Look for someone smarter than you, wiser than you, adds value to your life.

We can’t stress this enough…work with everyone! Gain experience and immerse yourself in the process. You will notice patterns within human beings, how they move, what their psychology is like, what makes them feel good and helps them. Research has shown hands on learning is the best way to remember and learn.

After 5 years within the field you will start to specify your niche. For example, track and field is a big part of the population we train, we coach high school track and field, we help athletes become fast, powerful and strong = enhance performance. We also work with a ton of the adult population. The goal of each individual is different, however the way we train them is similar in that we foam roll first, mobility, activation, dynamic drills, etc.

This one is big… your vibe attracts your tribe. The coaches, trainers, clients, members, etc. you associate yourself with is how others will view you. Your network = your net worth. Leave the toxicity elsewhere, those toxic relationships dictate the quality of your life and your business. Be weary of who you do business with.

Lastly, don’t get jaded. The more you think you know everything you become jaded because that is when you stop learning and growing. Continuing education is key. You will never succeed in this field if that is the case. Remember no one likes an asshole.

We hope this helped, for more information, coaching or mentorship feel free to reach out.

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