High School Track & Field: Field Events Pt.1

It is very challenging and unpredictable being a high school track and field coach AND to deal with Northeast weather. We have found a pretty successful method considering the circumstances of the new world, minimal weight room time, environmental factors such as training and OUTDOOR meets in the WINTER (new due to pandemic.) Alas we are able to compete! 

We will start this series with the field events. Specifically, the throwers, currently we are in our winter season  (weight throw and shot put.) We have limited weight room time, the weather is predictably cold and a pandemic all to deal with. That doesn’t stop our training. 

Through experience we have found success when the field events take part in our short sprint training, plyometric/power training, strength training and not to mention an extensive warmup/prep work, that awakens and challenges the CNS. It has improved their strength, quickness, athletic ability and performance overall. 

Below are examples of training schedule and “program” for field athletes:

  • Warmup + CNS prep
  • Plyometric
  • Sprint Training (stay tuned for series)
  • Strength Training (we will break down programming in the coming series)
  • Shot Put: The Glide (we will break down further in the coming series)

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