Spaghetti Squash Bolognese

A tasty and healthy dish for the whole family!


1-2 spaghetti squash

1 clove chopped garlic

1 whole chopped white onion

2 lbs of ground beef

2 packs of baby bella mushrooms

1 handful chopped parsley

 dash salt/pepper

 dash paprika/chili power

dash cinnamon/thyme/oregano

1/2 cup red wine

1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil

1 tablespoon tomato paste

First, preheat the oven to 450 degrees. Clean and cut the spaghetti squash by cutting the ends off and then into halves (must use a little bit of muster lol). Place them on a sheet pan face up and put a dash of cinnamon/thyme/oregano/salt and sprinkle olive oil. Then place them face down and put 2 cups of water onto the sheet pan. Place that into the oven for about 50 minutes.

Now put a pot onto the stove top, drizzle olive oil on the bottom and put on medium heat. Then add the chopped garlic and onions into the pan and let them sweat for about 5 minutes. Place the chopped mushrooms and cook that all down for about 7 minutes on high heat. Add the red wine, cook that down for about 5 minutes and add the meat. Mix that up good and add the chopped parsley, dash of salt/pepper/paprika/chili powder and tomato paste. Mix that up and leave that on high heat for about 10 minutes then leave on simmer until the spaghetti squash is done.

One the squash is done,  you’ll have to use a fork and tongs to scrape out the squash and place into a separate pot with olive oil as the base on medium heat. Mix up, add salt and some parmesan cheese to spice it up.

Lastly, we will place the spaghetti squash onto a plate and top it off with the bolognese. Enjoy!

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