Tag: bradshaw personal fitness

Fresh Herb Marinade

Ingredients: Lamb (we had about 5lb. worth) Fresh Italian Parsley handful Fresh Rosemary handful Fresh Thyme handful 1 white onion chopped Salt/pepper to taste 1 clove of chopped garlic 1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil For recipes and more check our youtube channel and don’t forget to subscribe! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvuKIwFgo1CNhz3rPCBFbvA

The Best Running Workouts to Increase Speed and Endurance

We receive a ton of questions on how to train for specific running. This is a general idea of different training tactics, but we want people to understand that you need an end goal. What are you training for? Do you have injuries? Are you wearing the correct shoe wear for your feet? Are you […]

Filling the Buckets

As coaches we should think of ourselves as bucket fillers. “Fill empty buckets, don’t overflow full buckets. If the strength bucket is empty, fill it. If the conditioning bucket is full, leave it alone. Don’t complain about who filled it or how, just move to the next bucket.” Mike Boyle. When thinking about training an […]

Youth Sports Today

We were listening to the Movement Podcast with Lee Burton and Gray Cook. Episode three specifically spoke about the difference between pro sports and youth sports with special guest, Jon Torine. It got us thinking, especially with the pandemic going on, sports put on hold for 3+ months, where athletes may or may not have […]

Push-up Variations

Here we have multiple variations of the Push-up. The push-up is really just a plank moving up and down, arms as the levers. Straight line from top of the head to heels. When you don’t focus on form, injury can occur, which is not the goal. We want our clients/athletes to be strong and maintain […]

Sausage, Collard Green and Cannelloni Bean Pasta

We are big pasta fans and always experimenting with different recipes. Our sausage, collard green and cannelloni bean pasta hits the spot. Ingredients: Bundle of collard greens Salt/pepper 1 can of cannelloni beans 1 clove chopped garlic Pasta (optional) Pork sausage 1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil Parmesan cheese First, place two pot’s filled with […]

The Warm Up

Why do we warm up? We all have those clients/athletes that HATE warming up. However, after you show them the method to the madness, they have an “ah ha” moment, they realize how great they feel and how their performance has improved. The warm up helps prepare your body for activity, neural function, blood flow, […]

Grilled Portobello Mushrooms Over Broccoli Rabe

A delicious and quick way to make veggies. Plus you’re having 2 servings of vegetables AND they are tasty. Ingredients: Bundle of Broccoli Rabe Salt/pepper to taste 2 handful’s Portobello mushrooms 1 clove chopped garlic 2 tablespoons of balsamic vinegar dried oregano dash 1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil First, place a pot of water […]

Wicket Drills

Wicket Drills are a staple part of our track and field program, as well as other athletes we work with. This will help athletes understand body awareness while sprinting at max velocity, acceleration and force production. Biggest bang for your buck here instead of throwing a million and one cues at your athletes. You can […]

Tahini Roasted Salmon

This is a great way to start eating salmon at least once a week. Refreshing and tasty, without dominating the flavor of the salmon. Ingredients: 1.5-2 lbs. Wild Caught Salmon 1 clove chopped garlic 1 teaspoon chopped ginger Handful of chopped parsley 1 tablespoon Teriyaki sauce (MSG free) 1 tablespoon raw honey 1 tablespoon dijon […]